ON THE AFRICAN SAVANNA; Ball pythons (python regius) are from west Africa and can be found in Senegal, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Benin, and Nigeria through Cameroon, Chad and the Central African Republic to Sudan and Uganda. To the Igbo tribes of Nigeria, python regius was believed to be symbolic to the earth, being that they travel so close to the ground. They are treated with great care and respect among the Igbo, and if one happened to wander onto someone's property, they would be allowed to roam freely or would be gently relocated nearby. If a ball python were to be accidentally killed, the Igbo would build a coffin and have a short funeral for the animal. Python regius was also worn as "living jewelry," which is where the name "royal python" derives from. They spend about 90-95% of their lives living inside of termite mounds and rodent dens, seeking new shelter once a food source has ran its course or if the sc...